
For over a decade, we were the backbone for hundreds of free serialized audiobooks from some amazing authors, giving you content you couldn’t get anyplace else. Good news: that hasn’t changed!

But our name has. Podiobooks.com has merged with Scribl. All of the old books from Podiobooks.com are now here and still available on iTunes, Google Play, and just about everywhere else you find podcasts. Our commitment to providing you with great, free audiobook content in podcast form is going strong. Now it's just part of a larger strategy that better fits modern publishing needs. Speaking of that...

You may notice some changes on new titles that go beyond just making a free podcast available. They'll also be available as one-click downloadable audiobooks at a higher quality, no intros/outros on every episode, and without any of the ads.

Look for these icons to know which format the title includes:

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(audiobook + ebook)

New titles will also be part of Scribl’s unique panda加速器安卓下载 where we set the price for every title based on how your fellow fans rate the work. Less popular titles are lower priced, so you can give those new titles a chance and save some money. The most popular titles have earned their way to higher prices, indicating quality with pricing you can trust. They’re worth the higher price. While there is a full range in prices, all of them are reasonable and better than what you’ll find most anyplace else.

So now you choose – free podcasts with some advertising or support your favorite authors by buying the ad-free audiobook.

Plus, at Scribl, every audiobook you buy, includes the ebook edition at no additional cost.

What would you like to do first?

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